Do You Want a Revolution?
As far as Palestinians voting Hamas into power, I do think that there is some cause for concern. Any political party with a military wing that is bent on the destruction of their neighbor is some cause for concern, especially when they are winning an election in a possible landslide. Here is my take however:
I do think Israel and the US should be concerned about Hamas' rise to power and influence in Palestine. I think it is encouraging that the elections went off with no violence and were declared free and fair. I also think that the goal with any radical group like Hamas should be to move it into the political mainstream. While they may be making wild claims about destroying Israel and raising the Islamic flag above Jerusalem, what is going to happen when one of their constituents calls up to report that his trash hasn't been collected? Perhaps mundane things like trash collection and infrastructure will serve to moderate Hamas.
I won't even touch on Google and China. I am pretty freaked out that they are doing what they are, especially since I have always sworn by gmail. I thought this piece was a good summary of the implications of Google's decision. What a world we live in that jumping in to an enormous emerging market is more important than being able to blog your political thoughts, like I am right here.
Oh and if you're not too freaked out, I can send you a gmail invite anyway....what a world.
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