cooper dot se.

this page is called because it represents much of my thought since studying for a semester in sweden in the spring of 2005. this thought process has continued on down to the beginnings of my real adult life....what comes next? let's talk about it....and many other things of course.

Sunday, December 02, 2007


I have become very fascinated with typography. It is one of the most subtle, nuanced and beautiful forms of art out there. In fact, it is one of the most ubiquitous forms of art out there as well.

I told a friend of mine about a font called Gotham . He is an extremely talented graphic designer with a huge interest in typography. Within weeks of me showing him, he was already pointing out a few examples, including Starbucks' main signage as well as some of the first words on the Netflix website.

Suddenly I cannot escape typography. However, I also cannot escape my job, though I have begun wondering about this.

I think I just might write more here. Good night and keep your eyes out for the typography all around you.

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  • At Tuesday, January 22, 2008 8:09:00 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    I believe Gotham is also the font of a lot of Obama's campaign stuff ("change we can believe in")...that Mitt Romney is ripping off ("change begins with us")...


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