cooper dot se.

this page is called because it represents much of my thought since studying for a semester in sweden in the spring of 2005. this thought process has continued on down to the beginnings of my real adult life....what comes next? let's talk about it....and many other things of course.

Sunday, July 02, 2006

Back with a vengeance?

So I am back for the first time since February. Insane, I know. I was inspired by the birth of a new blog from a good friend Sarah Bradford. Her blog is over here and she is going to be doing some pretty amazing things in NYC with Teach for America.

So, while I was gone....I went to NY for spring break, I went to several Cubs games and had my hopes for the season dashed sometime in the middle of May, but most of all, I graduated from college!

What exciting, life-altering event happens next?

....errr...ummm....well, I am home for the summer and am delivering pizzas to save some money. This is not exactly the summer I was envisioning or hoping for, but hopefully being able to save some money will help make the fall that I envision and hope for more of a reality.

This fall would involve Chicago and an apartment with some friends. I will keep you updated.


  • At Monday, July 10, 2006 6:00:00 PM, Blogger a girl said…

    hey coops. i found your blog via sbs. this is my third blogger ... i think. (i keep losing the password information.) anyways. i just bought tickets to see the cubs with acosta this fall. good times. seeya.


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